
(a selected list)

Sep 04, 2023. The Fault of our nations: Arts Education addressing the impacts of empire and nation building. Presentation with Dr. Amanda Alexander, at the International Society for Education through the Arts (InSEA) Conference, Cannakale, Turkey

April 13, 2023. Decolonizing the Art. Presentation with Dr. Amanda Alexander, at the National Art Education Association (NAEA) Conference, San Antonio, TX

Oct 23, 2022. In response to Studious Drifts. Presentation at Education as Experiment Symposium, University of North Texas.

May 19, 2022. Workhorse/Warhorse. Presentation with Prashast Kachru, at the Designing the Pluriversity Virtual Symposium, Arizona State University

March 3, 2022. Decolonizing the Arts. Presentation with Dr. Amanda Alexander, at the National Art Education Association (NAEA) Conference, New York, NY. (Peer reviewed presentation).

December 12, 2019. Speaking for and of Others: Art of Class in Contemporary India. Invited public lecture at the University of Arizona Museum of Art (UAMA), Tucson, AZ

November 8, 2019. Seeking singularities: Performing research as an exercise in self-consciousness. Invited presentation on the panel Methodologies Adrift, at the symposium: Imaginative Futures: Arts-Based Research as Boundary Event, at the Arizona State Universit, Tempe, AZ

July 12, 2019. Expanding and Playing with Meaning through Object Narratives. Peer Reviewed workshop, co-conducted with Dr. Elizabeth Garber & Dr. Lisa Hochtritt, at the International Society of Education through Art (InSEA) Conference held at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver Canada

July 8, 2019. 6th Arts Based and Artistic Research conference. Invited chair and discussant of a panel on decolonization, at the 6th Arts Based and Artistic Research conference, held at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver Canada

October 18, 2019. Personal, Communal: Conversing at Borders in Art Education. Presented this paper and served as (invited) respondent in the Graduate Research in Art Education (GRAE) symposium at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

March 13, 2019. “Immigrant Other” as Futurity in Art Education Curriculum. Presented a paper in a panel, at the National Art Education Association (NAEA) Conference, Boston, MA

March 2018. Examining Constructions of Labor and Leisure in Makerspaces. Presentation on a panel titled: Ethical Complexities of STEAM Curriculum: asking the questions to design a better future for all, at the National Art Education Association (NAEA) Conference, Seattle, MA

March 2018. Permission to Move:Strategies to examine migration, asylum, refuge, & (dis)posession. Presentation on a panel titled: Conversations Gathering STEAM: Marginalizing voices and voicing the marginalized, at the National Art Education Association (NAEA) Conference, Seattle, MA

May 20, 2017. A Quest for Play. Peer reviewed performance/presentation, with Elizabeth Garber, Eryn Neff & Rebecka Black. The International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign-Urbana, IL

Aug 10, 2017. Co-creating Mentorship. Peer reviewed performance/presentation, with Elizabeth Garber, Eryn Neff & Rebecka Black. InSEA 2017, 35th World Congress of the International Society for Education through Art, Daegu, Korea.

Mar 3, 2017. Words to live by: Lexicons of Model Practice in Community Art Education (Peer reviewed presentation). National Art Education Association Annual Conference, New York, NY

Mar 4, 2017. Speed Dating with theory: Shifting theoretical boundaries     (Peer reviewed presentation, with Marianna Pegno & Shana Cinquemani). National Art Education Association Annual Conference, New York, NY

Mar 4, 2017. Big Gay Church VIII: Ch-ch-changes around LGBTQ Issues and Art Education  (Peer reviewed performance and presentation, with Mindi Rhodes, Courtnie Wolfgang, James Sanders, Kim Cosier). National Art Education Association Annual Conference, New York, NY

November, 2016. Introducing South Asia, through art and visual culture, to western students.
(Invited scholar, Aalto University School of Art & Design,  Helsinki, Finland.

November, 2016. Gazing at the other: Representations of South Asian diaspora in American visual culture.
(Invited scholar, Aalto University School of Art & Design,  Helsinki, Finland.

November, 2016. Working inter[-]nationally: freedoms and limitations of global thinking.
(Invited scholar, Aalto University School of Art & Design,  Helsinki, Finland.

November, 2016. Displacement/Replacement.
(Invited scholar, Aalto University School of Art & Design,  Helsinki, Finland.

October 26, 2016. From job packet to tenure packet: Preparing for a career in higher education.
(Guest lecture, in ARE 633). University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

October 6, 2016. Mobile and temporary museums in recognition of communities.
(Peer reviewed presentation). Imagining America Conference, Milwaukee, WI.

Mar 19, 2016. Speed Dating with theory.
(Peer reviewed presentation, with Marianna Pegno & Shana Cinquemani). National Art Education Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

Mar 28, 2015. Can you hear me now? Translating theory into practice.
(Peer reviewed presentation, with Marianna Pegno & Traci Quinn). National Art Education Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Mar 27, 2015. The Art of Placemaking: Global projects & pedagogy.
(Peer reviewed panel presentation). National Art Education Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Mar 26, 2015. Overlapping identities: International experiences with multicultural art education.
(Peer reviewed presentation, with Natasha Reid & Ryan Shin). National Art Education Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.

July 11, 2014 . Researching the role of popular iconography and of the book form as text in contemporary Indian art education
(Peer reviewed research presentation).  InSEA World Congress, Melbourne, Australia.

July 9, 2014. Been there, not done that yet: Rethinking popular themes in multicultural art education (Peer reviewed research presentation). InSEA World Congress, Melbourne, Australia.

May 24, 2014. Composite characters and fictive tales: Rhizomatic analysis and interpretation in narrative inquiry
(Peer reviewed research presentation). The International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign-Urbana, IL.  

May 24, 2014. Research pathways: Two narratives of space and place.
(Peer reviewed research presentation, co-authored with Dr. Justin Sutters). The International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign-Urbana, IL.

Mar 29, 2014. Trajectories of space and place: (re)searching step.
(Peer reviewed presentation co-authored with Dr. Justin Sutters). National Art Education Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.

May 24, 2013. Forefronting community voices and self-determination with artist educators in India and native artists in Peru.
(Peer reviewed presentation co-authored co-authored with Dr. Amanda Alexander).The International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign-Urbana, IL.

Mar 8, 2013. Bridging disciplinary and social communities: positioning ourselves as art educators                 (Peer reviewed presentation co-authored with Dr. Meaghan Brady-Nelson). National Art Education Association Annual Conference, Dallas Texas.

Mar 7, 2013. Re-markable mythologies: gendered narratives of teacher identity in Indian art education              (Peer reviewed Research Presentation). National Art Education Association Annual Conference, Dallas Texas.

June 2011. Visible nationality: shifting narratives of South Asian identities in contemporary museum cultures (Peer reviewed Research Presentation)  InSEA World Congress 2011, Hungary

June 2011. Carrying Faith: Objects, Stories, and Cultures Collaborative Inquiry with Dr. Deborah Smith-Shank
(Peer reviewed Research Presentation)  InSEA World Congress, Hungary                 

May 2011. Hybrid Identities:The third space and visual literacy in art education. Invited lecture at the Graduate Interdisciplinary Seminar in Literacy Studies on Creating Intimacy and Immediacy through Language. The Ohio State University, USA     

March 2011. Imagining the third space: teaching in the global classroom. Collaborative (Peer reviewed) Research Presentation. NAEA National Conference

March 2011. Teachers on Teaching and Community: Creativity as Change in Urban Spaces. Collaborative (Peer reviewed) Research Presentation. NAEA National Conference